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Join us in Winchester this Summer

Why not join us in Winchester next summer? You will have a great time, enjoying lessons, activities or our Business and the Environment (B&E) programme for students aged 16+, with a trip to London every Saturday, a party every Friday much more! Prices are very reasonable and we give students low-cost transfers at weekends - so all you have to pay for is your course!


living with friendly, educated host families in Winchester - recently voted "best place to live in the UK" for its quality of life


with a London trip every Saturday, lots of fun activities and exciting excursions like Brighton and Portsmouth.

Increasingly fluent

with top quality English lessons and daily conversation with educated host families.

About Winchester

Winchester is a beautiful, safe, typically English town in Hampshire, around 60 miles from London.

It's a "city", not a "town" because it is of historical importance (it was once, in the times of King Alfred, the capital of England) but its population is only around 50.000. So it's small enough to walk around but big enough to have lots of facilities.

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What would a typical day look like?

Every morning you have lessons from 0900-1230.

Improve your speaking, listening and vocabulary

Every afternoon you have activities our Business and the Environment (B&E) programme for older students(16+).

In the evenings you spend time with your friendly host family or take part in social activities, such as our regular parties!

Every Saturday there is a London trip for all students

As young people say now, "What's not to like??"

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Your Accommodation

Accommodation with friendly, educated local families. All meals are provided. Social time with your hosts will help you improve your English even more!

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