Ready to take the next step?

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The programme will run for 4 weeks, comprising 2 x 2-week cycles:

The course dates shown are Monday to Saturday (because something is organized 6 days/week – Sunday is a free day).

Dates - August Course Programme Arrive/first night at hosts Leave
4th – 9th 1 A 3rd 10th
11th -16th 2 B 10th 17th
18th -23rd 3 A 17th 24th
25th -30th 4 B 24th 31st

You can stay for as long as you like but you will see that if you take more than 2 weeks, you will repeat material.

You should plan to arrive on the day before your course starts and to leave the day after it finishes.

If you wish to arrive a little earlier and/or leave later, that is fine, of course, but if you are looking to book host accommodation for the period of the course, you will need to organise your own accommodation for any extra days, as we will need to free up hosts for the next course.


We have a maximum of 45 places on this course in any given week, so book early to avoid disappointment!


The venue for the course is English Naturally’s teaching space near the Cathedral and High St (2 minutes’ walk to each!). Called The Winchester Rooms, our premises are made up of 3 light and airy classrooms with internet and audio-visual facilities.

Course leaders

The course leaders will be our most experienced teachers, who have a love of the English language, British culture and the local area.

Our leaders are appointed and managed by our Director of Studies.

Your English level

The course is suitable for anyone whose English is intermediate+ (B1+ in CEFR terms).

We will divide participants as far as possible by level.

We do not provide a language test so you need to “self-certify” when you complete the registration form.

Contact us

English Naturally
Mint Yard
The Square
Hampshire UK SO23 9EX

Tel: +44 (0)1962 859700


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