Ready to take the next step?

Enrol today


  • Fees must be received no later than 20 working days before the course starts. We must receive the full amount invoiced. Please ensure you pay all bank charges - yours and ours. If there is any difference between the invoice amount and the amount received, we will ask you to pay this during your courses, usually by credit card. All payments by credit card are subject to a 2.5% surcharge.
  • If you cancel your course for whatever reason, refunds will be made as follows:
  1. 4+ weeks' notice - 100% (if any fees have been paid)
  2. between 4 and 2 weeks' notice - 50%
  3. less than 2 weeks' notice- 0%
  • If you curtail (cut short) your course once it has started, there will be no refund, but some credit may be granted, at our absolute discretion.
  • If you have a complaint about the service, this should be put in writing to us by post, fax or e-mail no later than 10 days after the commencement of the programme.
  • Lessons are normally held between 0800 and 1800 and lesson times will be set by English Naturally. At the request of the client, hours may be altered, provided that this is logistically possible.
  • English Naturally reserves the right to cancel or vary courses. In such cases, English Naturally’s liability will be limited to refunds of fees paid for accommodation and tuition.
Certificates and reports will be emailed in pdf format free of charge. There is a fee of £10 for printing and sending them by post
  • You MUST disclose to us any physical or mental condition which could make it difficult for us to deliver a normal service to you. Failure to do this could result in our terminating your course without any right to a refund.


  • If you bring children under our “Bring the kids” offer, please note that you are responsible for them at all times except when we organize supervision/activities, from 0900-1730.
  • Children must be aged 11+ on the day your course commences.
  • You must provide your children with lunch each day we supervise them or money to buy lunch.

CLIL teachers

  • Provision of a dedicated CLIL course is dependent on numbers. If there are insufficient numbers to create a group of at least 8 teachers, CLIL teachers will join the general course.


  • You are strongly advised to arrange insurance cover to cover cancellation, curtailment, personal possessions and medical needs.

Staying with a host family

  • Any loss or damage to the client’s property will not be the responsibility of English Naturally or the family. The client should take out appropriate insurance to guard against such eventualities.
  • Any damage caused to the family’s property by the client or their children will be the client’s responsibility.

Taxi transfers

  • We cannot be held responsible if, for reasons beyond control, we fail to deliver you to the airport on time for your return flight