
Prices vary according to period, group size and precise requirements, but we know that most schools and other organisations have a tight budget so we keep our prices as reasonable as possible. Prices are only valid for the period mid-September to mid-June.

For more information, to discuss your plans, or for a quotation, please mail us on

or ring us for a chat on: +44 (0)1962 859700

We usually quote for:

Tuition + accommodation (basic package)

PLUS (if required):

  • Transfers from airports including Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted
  • Organised itinerary, which can include local visits on foot, with guide, half or full-day coach/train excursions

When you contact us for a price we will send a detailed quotation (priced per person) to show:

  • Details of all services included
  • Average class size
  • How many free places for group leaders we are able to offer you.

All prices, including to agents, are NET. That means we have to receive the full amount shown for each student. Some time before you come, we will send you a statement showing exactly how much we expect you to pay, and how we did the calculations. Once you are happy with this, we will send you an invoice.


Conditions (all bookings are accepted on this basis) are as follows:


A deposit of 10% is required to confirm bookings. This is based on the predicted numbers. The deposit is NON-RETURNABLE.


The balance must be paid to arrive with us no later than one month prior to arrival. Following this, there will be no refunds for any students who cancel. You are advised to buy your own cancellation insurance.

Group Leaders

Groups must be accompanied by no fewer than 1 group leader per 15 students or part thereof. Group leaders are responsible for the good behaviour of their students.


A clear itinerary for the group must be agreed pre-arrival.

Behaviour in host families

Students must treat host families with respect and be communicative, friendly and helpful towards their hosts. Students who misbehave seriously will be asked to leave and may be sent to local guest-house/bed and breakfast accommodation at their expense or in severe cases sent home, again at their expense.

Complaints and issues

Please let us know if you have any issues or complaints as soon as they arise, so that we can try to remedy the situation.You can text us on the 24/7 Duty Phone or email us on

If we do not fix things to your satisfaction and you wish to make a formal complaint, this should be done in writing to the email address above or by post to the address shown at the foot of this letter within 10 days of your departure latest, please.

Please ensure you provide us with the following information:

Your name and position

The dates of your stay

The nature of the complaint

We will reply within 5 working days of receipt.

Contact us

English Naturally
Mint Yard
The Square
Hampshire UK SO23 9EX

Tel: +44 (0)1962 859700


Quick Enquiry